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Monitor Size: Unknown
Five euro note 3
American 50 cents
British 5 pound note
10 indian rupees
50 indian rupees
Actual size of one dollar bill
I wouldn't know, I've never had one. (I know, I know, it's the same size as any dollar)
have a bf
very cool
Could someone else do the other side, too? Erm.. I want to make sure that also fits.
lol at #5 XD
lol at #6 lolling at #5wow. #5 and #6 both use the same web browser and have the same monitor size.
Lol at #7 for loling at #6 for loling at #5 who also appears to be himself laughing at what he typed a couple of seconds before...KINDA SAD!
kinda big
loling at #8 loling at #7 loling at #6 loling at #5.... poor #5...
wait it says mozilla what
Wow, it's perfect. Just put it up with my 100...minus the 00's.
ahahahh #5 good sence of humor
please send me 10 dollar on yahoo its kumiraia
and print it please
i'm printing this! haha just kidding!
i got some junk in my trunk
i dont know what is the actual size of dollars
everybody on here is lameeeeeee exept for meeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy
step 1-print, step 2-go to convnieince store, step 3-tape bill to floor
can 2 different 100usd have the same serial number..
Well, it's actually only legal to make a copy of a United States federal currency note if it is less than 75% of the actual size, or more than 150% of the actual size. Suggestion: TAKE IT DOWN!
#29There's a bill worth $99900 more. Try to find it on pective.
Meh, it's too small
wow its great
Weird, I thought it was way to small but upon holding a $20 up to the monitor it's actually perfect.
I thought it was too small, but when i put a bill on the screen, it was right !