Please set your monitor size (inches)

Not sure what your monitor size is ?

Gameboy Advance


48% voted correct
Please set your diagonal monitor size (in inches):
Not sure what your monitor size is ?
Gameboy Advance Actual Size Image


Carlos Julio (17" monitor)
I made this :D
Anonymous (20" monitor)
pretty good :)
Melina (17" monitor)
perfect :)
jack (19" monitor)
no wear near
anonymous (16" monitor)
too big
Anonymous (15" monitor)
wayy too big...
me (24" monitor)
poopoo (15" monitor)
bit big
Jim (13" monitor)
Too small
Saltine (19" monitor)
not wide enough
Elise (16" monitor)
Is it the screen size or does it include the border on the moniter?
Anonymous (17" monitor)
too small
Anonymous (19" monitor)
Yes, I actually have one...

Perfect fit!
sofaspartan (18" monitor)
It is the correct size :)
Anonymous (20" monitor)
I have Game Boy Color! ;)
zach (19" monitor)
its to small i can crush it in my hand
t4t4 (15" monitor)
just a tiny bit small
t4t4 (15" monitor)
just a tiny bit small
fucking fuck duck (12" monitor)
pretty big