Not sure what your monitor size is ?
Monitor Size: Unknown
Samsung z170
Samsung galaxy nexus i9250 2
Galaxy ace plus s7500
Samsung c207
Samsung p900
If this thing is right, then the Samsung Galaxy S must be pretty dang huge.
Measures right on my screen.. and is only 7mm taller than the iphones :p
On my 27" screen the size of Galaxy S is correct
on my 15" its the exact same size as mine
20 inchs wide size is correct!
100% accurate on my 42 inch great phone
great job.its about rit on my 17" screen
21.6" screen100% correct!
Just checked using the official Samsung site phone specifications and my tailor's tape. Size is correct.
spot on !!
on my 17" screen its the exact size!
Yes this is the right size
Weird. On my 17" screen, the phones display (4") is smaller than my Ace 2 (3.8"). I compared both