Please set your monitor size (inches)

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69% voted correct


Please set your diagonal monitor size (in inches):
Not sure what your monitor size is ?
Sexy! Actual Size Image


Anonymous (19" monitor)
Anonymous (19" monitor)
Hold on, let me hold my sexy up to the screen.
Anonymous (20" monitor)
lol, *2 but the picture is correct size
K-Smooth (15" monitor)
OMG, the EXACT same size as MY sexy!!!
Anonymous (19" monitor)
DANG! I can't find my sexy!
toop (19" monitor)
Whered my sexy go!? I wanna compare!
SEXY (18" monitor)
I'm right here baby, where was you last night? i tired to get the job done myself and my lips are back to the same as this picture.
crazyman (15" monitor)
i've seen a sexy in 7-11, and this looks about the same size.
mat (15" monitor)
my sexy is WAAAAAAY larger
the girlzz babz' (21" monitor)
wahhh babeyyyy,
propperrrr fitt im, init!!! xD