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Gba cartridge lgp
Psp e1000
Dsi stylus
Sony next generation portable ngp the non portable successor of the sleek psp go 4
Nintendo switch handheld mode
Nintendo ds lite closed 2
omg the dslite is actually bigger than this!!!!!!!!!
no offence 2 who ever made this but a ds lite is about the same size as this
Smaller than I anticipated... but still nice. :)
I actually compared this to my real 3DS and it is just slightly out, maybe half an inch bigger in all directions. A very clever idea for a website though i must add :)
It's a lot smaller than one would actually think! I thought it was DS (original) size, possibly bigger!
completely wrong
Perfect!To all u people who think this is wrong...GET A LIFE
You have to set the size settings first to get the correct size of the image.
I have a 3DS right here beside me. This image is too small.
You can't close a 2ds idiot