Please set your monitor size (inches)

Not sure what your monitor size is ?

1 GBP coin


68% voted correct
Please set your diagonal monitor size (in inches):
Not sure what your monitor size is ?
1 GBP coin Actual Size Image


joe (15" monitor)
bullshit ive got at gbp here and its way smaller
James (24" monitor)
That is the right size...
shaniqa (867" monitor)
im all geeked up
ryan (14" monitor)
check your screen size my one fits perfectley
kiki_birdball (19" monitor)
@shaniqa, how can you have an 867" monitor?
sam b (19" monitor)
dunt fit
DOOOOOOOOOOOOD (8000" monitor)
Yanni-boy (17" monitor)
Absolutely spot-on!
kyle (15" monitor)
that is way smaller
Anonymous (19" monitor)
@kiki_birdball cos he wins
d dot (17" monitor)
spotttttttt ooooooonnnn!!
Lorne (22" monitor)
Works fine.
TTM (15" monitor)
Pretty accurate here :-)
lol (17" monitor)
perfect , by the way people set your screen size properlly
halfcrown (15" monitor)
Not too far off - but a tiny bit on the small side
James (16" monitor)
Correct, held pound coin up to it! haha