Not sure what your monitor size is ?
Monitor Size: Unknown
Iphone4 and galaxy s2
Tennis ball
Amazon kindle 5
Sony xperia s 2
Blackberry curve 8520
Bq pocket
A little bit too small
Looks absolutely awesome to me. I want one!
to the first comment - You are lame, you use IE
A, is right. it's a bit small
Too small
@#6 its too small cause you're using a 900" SCREEN?!?!?!
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to big
I cant even see it!
1 inch too small.
i own a kindle, and it is indeed too small.
wayyyy 2 big
ya it does seem to small im getting one for X-mas so i'll see...
yup two weeks l8er... to small
to mini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bwbahahahahahahahahahahahahaha cow!!!!! all systems are go! chocolate pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kekehkehkehkeh!!!
Joey thinks it is too small. I ask Joey everything.
Too big, omg!
This is a nice tool you made, but I would like it if the quality of the text were correct -- maybe use live text or a vector graphic?