No this was to size didn't you all know that people were smaller in 1937, apperintly ALOT SMALLER. My great grandfather must have been a Giant among men back then at 6'2" considering the people rideing on this had to have been 1/4"-1/2" tall. ( he could have knocked off some banks and left me some money or somthing)
At this ratio ( assuming the picture stays twice the size of the screen viewing it )... my screen size would have to be 471' !!! A²+B²=C² A=Hindenburg Height ( 500' ) B=Hindenburg Length ( 800' ) C=The size of a monitor needed to view the Hindenburg ( 942' ) or like I said, half the 471'
(17" monitor)
According to thins Hindenburg= Smaller than my arm.
hmmmm... maybe I shrank in the past few minutes, but this looks like the perfect size. I am having trouble typing.... the keys are so far apart....and I'm jumping on them to type. hmmm.... is there any way to reverse this?