Not sure what your monitor size is ?
Monitor Size: Unknown
Iphone 5
Iphone 5 4
Apple ipod nano 3rd generation
Nokia 5300
Iphone 5 with ottterbox
Iphone 6 afb
completly off!
Very the comment above, are you sure you set your screen size before checking?
on my 16" this is showing as much smaller than the HD2 that I'm holding next to it.
Wasn't correct in Internet Explorer but was in Google Chrome!
measuring tape indicates the screen size is 4.3 inches, which is correct for this phone's specifications, so I say it is accurate, atleast on my 14" monitor.
bates is right yo. it works right on google chrome
mine is 0/000000000000000099 bigger!!
@SamSteel 0/000000000000000099 = 0