Not sure what your monitor size is ?
Monitor Size: Unknown
1 real
Dwarf african frogs hymenochirus boettgeri
Koala robot
Squirrels go mad for coconuts
Psp go
Cablevision remote
this one is right on the spot, unlike the other wiimote pic out their.
bit tall
A tad big
Pretty much perfect on my 14.2in monitor
Pretty good!
too big
perfect on my 24" mac
So deman perfect.
perfect. ish.
i cba to go nd get my wiimote from the other room...
Perfect, 19" widescreen
CBF to get up and get my wiimote to compare but it looks right ;)
I suppose it is perfect... though I had trouble measuring because the picture's 2-D.
Perfect. Right on the dot on a 17" screen :)
WAY TO SMALL! 10" monitor, but I held a wiimote up to it, its WAY TO SMALL!
Awesome! that's like perfect!
Way too big on 11" 1280x1240
Perfect on this screen.
if its the wrong size make sure you arent zoomed in
you guys saying its to big, you just put the wrong monitor size in, figure it out
erm; i fink they no the size of there screen :L
s**t thats good
Just like my own wiimote!